Raising kids takes a village. For those of you who have little ones, you know this already. Sometimes that village looks like friends around you and other times it looks like someone on the other side of a computer telling you that you are not alone.
Mommy blogs offer an online community of support to mothers. They often share tips and tricks for parenting and also remind you that you are not the only one experiencing the sleepless nights and temper tantrums. They offer a reminder that there is light at the end of the tunnel! There are thousands of mommy bloggers out there today, so it is important to find one who aligns with your beliefs and who you resonate with. Here are 6 mommy bloggers we love!
1. Alessandra Juliet

Alessandra is a dear friend of mine from here in Austin, Texas. Alee now lives with her husband, Josh, and their two precious boys in Upstate New York. On her blog, Alee shares about motherhood, food, faith, and lifestyle topics.
Alee shares helpful tips for homeschooling preschoolers; check out her post, "How To Encourage Your Preschooler to Do Daily Chores," and yummy recipes with nods to Parker’s Real Maple – which is a maple company her husband started when he was 15 years old. She also shares about podcasts she loves and establishing routines with young children. Alee is creative and bubbly and will make you feel like her best friend in no time!
2. The Mama Notes

Caitlin began as a fashion blogger 11 years ago and after becoming a mom, she transitioned her blog to The Mama Notes where she shares tips, tricks, and hacks to make motherhood easier and more fun!
Caitlin has you covered on everything from activities for your children, tips on becoming a mother, amazon deals, as well as recipes and fashion! If you don’t follow her already, check out her post, "Crowdsourced Tips for Surviving Pregnancy with Toddlers."
3. Nakisha Wynn

Nakisha is a single mom of 4 who began her blogging journey so she could share how she thrives as a single mama in Florida. With a degree in Public Relations and experience working in finance as well as pre-K education, Nakisha blogs about motherhood, finances, and raising a family.
Nakisha offers a wide range of resources to help you not only survive as a mom but thrive! Her practical knowledge is incredibly helpful, especially when it comes to finances. If you dream of owning a home one day, check out Nakisha’s post, "5 Tips for Preparing Financially to Buy Your First Home."
4. 24/7 Moms

24/7 Moms was established based on the idea that moms need each other. Trisha, who is a mom of five, started 24/7 Moms to help other moms simplify their lives. If you’ve got a question, Trisha most likely has an answer!
24/7 moms has expanded over the years to provide a wide range of helpful tips, ideas, plans, printables, and recipes. One of our favorite pages on her site is the Celebrations page. Here you will find posts for different holidays and celebrations throughout the year. She also has a page dedicated to coupons and deals. So, if you are on a mission to find a good deal, check out 24/7 Moms.
5. Rookie Moms

Rookie Moms began 12 years ago as a space to connect moms. The author and founder of Rookie Moms, Amber, describes herself saying, “aside from managing the Rookie Moms site, I am also the mother of five amazing humans through both birth and adoption.” She continues, saying “I have been through A LOT as a mom including pregnancy, birth, high-risk pregnancy (preeclampsia, HELLP syndrome), adoption (international & private domestic), special needs, working from home, running my own businesses while raising my kiddos, international travel with kids and SO much more!!!”
All that to say, Amber has some wisdom to share when it comes to motherhood. She can relate to a number of unique experiences. She covers not only motherhood once your baby arrives but also tips on preparing for your baby like picking the "Best Electric Breast Pumps for 2021!"
6. MommiNation

MommiNation is run by 25 “Mombassadors,” who are women from various stages of life and motherhood that gather to share their wisdom with this blog community. They know it takes a village to raise a child, but believe it takes a nation to support a mom. So they operate with a commitment to be open, vulnerable, and real about the daily highs and lows of being a mother and everything in between. No topic is off limits and no issue too small.
Check out this blog for everything from easy soul recipes your kids would love, speaker series’ on topics like being a single mom, to fitness routines, and time-tested household management tips!
Following mommy bloggers is not necessary, yet it can make motherhood more enjoyable as you relate to moms around the world. Remember, every mom is different and you don’t have to be the exact same as the mom you follow on Instagram or a blog. It’s easy to compare, but let mommy bloggers be a source of relief not comparison. Also, remember that blogging is a full-time job for many so don’t beat yourself up when you work a full-time job and don’t have time to come home and whip up a gourmet meal and craft every night. Let their creativity inspire you.