Pregnancy Tests
If you think you may be pregnant, we can help you know for sure with a free pregnancy test and/or free ultrasound.

Whether you’re confirming a pregnancy or coming for prenatal care, we offer free ultrasounds from licensed sonographers.

Options Counseling & Mentoring
Not sure what you want to do regarding your pregnancy? We will support you along this journey no matter what you choose.

We provide informational classes to help you have a healthy pregnancy and/or learn good parenting skills.

Material Assistance
Moms and dads who participate in the parenting program earn points that can be cashed in to get items for their baby.

STI Testing & Treatment
Your sexual health matters. We can help you better understand your health with tests to check for sexually transmitted infections.

Well Woman Exam
Exams include a full check-up, which helps to detect and treat any new or ongoing health problems and to help prevent future problems.